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SmartPhone Job Search: Getting Hired On The Go

The following post is courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap:

From: Christina Archer

Everywhere you look today, another Smartphone is born. I’m currently sporting the HTC, and I swear, this thing was beamed down from outer space, complete with alien technology. Seriously though, I think I understand only about 25% of what this thing can do for me, and I learn a something new about its capability, everyday.

Whether you’re using the iPhone, a Blackberry, or any other new fangled communication device, did you realize you can handle every aspect of your job search – from your cell phone? Today, I’m going to give you the top five ways you can uncover your next job without ever opening a newspaper or logging back in to your computer again! “Beam me up, Scotty” – I’m ready to find my next job.

1. Download an RSS Reader for Your Phone.

RSS stands for really simple syndication, and subscribing to RSS feeds on your smartphone will allow you to be notified immediately of new jobs in your target industry and field. I personally recommend downloading the complete Google suite for Mobile Phones. It will give you the RSS reader, gmail access, Google Docs, and more. To get the Google App for your cell, go to, and follow the instructions.

2. Set up a Mobile Job Search.

Indeed is a job aggregator, meaning they take jobs from everywhere under the sun, and it shows up on their website. Go to from your mobile, search by keyword for the positions you are targeting, enter the location, and get results. On the results page, sign up to receive updates via RSS. Now when you receive a job lead, you can apply directly from your cell phone. Which brings me to number three…..

3. Sign up for a Google Docs Account.

Google Docs is a web-based word processing application that does a whole lot more than what we’re going to talk about. For our purposes, you will upload your resume and a cover letter template to Docs from your home computer – and have future access to these documents from your smartphone.

4. Apply For Jobs From Your SmartPhone.

Here’s how this works – you receive a job lead from the search we set up with Indeed. The job sounds like a perfect match, and you want to apply right away, to get an edge on your competition. Here are the steps to apply directly from your smartphone:

  • Step One: Log in to your Google Docs account, and access your resume.
  • Step Two: Download the resume to your mobile phone.
  • Step Three: Click on the link to apply for the job delivered by your RSS reader.
  • Step Four: Upload your resume from your smartphone.

Once you have your resume on your phone, you’re “good to go” for all future resume submissions!

5. Follow up to Make Sure Your Application/Resume was Received.

This is a true story. My son just turned 16 years old, and he’s so excited to join the working world. He applied for a job with a major fast-food chain, and as part of their application process, he completed a 45 minute personality test on-line. This was a grueling process for him, but he felt very accomplished when he hit the final submit button. Long story – short, two weeks later he called the manager of the restaurant, and they never received his application.

Whether you are submitting your personal information by fax, email, through a mobile phone, or a computer – ALWAYS verify the hiring manager received your submission.

The fact that we are able to utilize technology to its fullest extent and take our job search with us, where ever we go, seems like stuff out of a sci-fi movie. We all carry these little “mobile wonders” with us – isn’t it time we start putting them to work for us?

Christina Archer is a Career Agent, author, expert resume writer and presenter.

Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching for entry level jobs and other career opportunities.

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