The Most Admired Companies - Who's Hiring Now Vol IX
October 2009 LinkedIn, Job Search And Social Media Seminars

Are You Ready for the Next Hiring Frenzy?

The following post is courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap:

From: John Butler, Vice President SearchLogix Group

Whether you believe the recession is over or not, now is the time for companies to get ready to find talent for the increase in business that is coming.  For the past 12 to 18 months, companies have had the luxury to be picky about when and who they will hire.  Most hiring managers have increased the job requirements and the interview process to ensure they got the best talent as they perceived it.

Companies now have to start preparing themselves for the hiring process to speed up.  We will not see the ridiculous hiring frenzy from the era, but hiring managers can no longer take months to hire a person and expect them to wait patiently to get hired. Highly qualified candidates are getting more recruiting calls and are beginning to have multiple job offers.  They are quickly entering the job market and just as quickly they are accepting good offers and are no longer available. 

A case in point, we had a large technology client take over 3 months to determine a short list of finalists for a VP job.  They lost their number one candidate who was recruited by another technology firm, interviewed, offered and accepted a VP role in three weeks.  We are now seeing multiple clients lose candidates due to the length of the hiring process.  In addition, candidates no longer have just one opportunity to pick from, they are getting multiple offers.

Five Tips to Help You Win the War for Talent:

1. Make sure you know the profile of the type of person you want.  Make sure all stakeholders agree to this profile.

2. Partner with your recruiter to develop a qualified slate of candidates.

3. Speed up the interview process.  This does not mean eliminate decision makers from the process, but it does mean consolidate interviews and do phone interviews whenever possible to shorten the interview cycle.

4. Be prepared to hire someone from a slate of 2-3 qualified candidates.

5. Be prepared to sell the candidate on why the company and the position is the place they want to work.  I can guarantee you your competition is selling the pros of their company.

Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching for entry level jobs and other career opportunities.


Joe Piseski


Your article is right on the money. We've been discussing this same subject for the past several weeks at my company.

Although we're addressing all five points you make, we're especially keying in on #'s 3 & 4 above -- trying to get the 'buy in' from our hiring managers. If you have any other thoughts on how to get their commitment, please let us know!

Joe from MN


The article is exactly true. As a recent college grad I've was recruited by more than one company for awhile. It was the company that offered me the best job possible that I accepted. I turned down another job unfortunately but even in the recession, it didn't take long for me to the find a way to get a job offer.

The horizon is coming and the sun is hot. Soon everyone will be scampering in to their office building and recruiters won't be able to simply walk into the street and run into someone looking for a job.

Very pointe post.

Jim Edwards

First you have to know where the jobs are before you mount a strategy to go after them. Most executive job seekers look to executive recruiters and job boards for open positions. The problem with this is recruiters get 15% of all executive searches and fill half of them, and only 1% of anybody ever gets a job from a job board.

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